[1] [2] The duke was atteinted by parlement, and the atteindor after reuersed in the first yeare of quéene Marie. The euill hap as well of the father,The duke atteinted. as of the sonne, was greatlie lamented of manie, not onelie for the good seruice which the duke had doone in his daies in defense of this realme, but also for that the earle was a gentleman well learned, and knowne to haue an excellent wit, if he had béene thankefull to God for the same, and other such good gifts as he had indued him withall. The king now lieng at the point of death, made his last will and testament,The king ma [...]keth his te|stament. wherein he not onelie yéelded himselfe to almightie God; but also tooke order, that during the minoritie of his sonne prince Edward, his executors should be councellors and aiders to him in all things, as well concerning priuate as publike affaires. They were sixtéene in number, whose names were as hereafter followeth.