[1] And one speciall matter amongest other where|with he was charged, was, for bearing certeine arms that were said to belong to the king, and to the prince. The bearing where of he iustified and mainte|ned, that (as he tooke it) he might beare them as be|longing to diuerse of his ancestors, and withall af|firmed, that he had the opinion of heralds therein. But yet to his indictment he pleaded not giltie: and for that he was no lord of the parlement, he was in|forced to stand to the triall of a common inquest of his countrie, which found him giltie, and therevpon he had iudgement of death: and shortlie after, to wit, the 19 of Ianuarie,The earle of Surrie be|headed. he was beheaded on the tower hill. ¶In this moneth of Ianuarie, the church of the late graie friers in London was opened, and masse [...]oong there: I. S. pag. 1034 king Henrie his gift to the citie of Lon|don. and that daie preached at Paules crosse the bishop of Rochester, who declared the kings gift to the citie of London, for the relieuing of the poore people, which was by patent vnder his great seale. Saint Bartholomews spittle, the church of the graie friers, and two parish churches, the one of saint Nicholas in the shambles, the other saint Ewine in Newgate market, all to be m [...]de on pa|rish church of the graie friers church; and in lands he gaue for the maintenance of the same 500 markes by yeare for euer, & this church to be named Christs church, founded by king Henrie the eight.]