[1] [2] The French king after this, bicause as yet hée would not séeme to breake the peace, commanded the trenches and new fortifications made about this fortresse, called Chatillons garden thus cast downe, to be filled by his owne people, and so it rested during the life of king Henrie: but afterwards it was be|gun againe, and finished, as after ye shall heare. A|bout Michaelmas in this present yeare,The duke of Norffolke cõ [...]mitted to the tower. Thomas duke of Norffolke, and Henrie earle of Surrie that was his sonne and heire, vpon certeine surmises of treason, were committed to the tower of London,154 [...] and immediatlie after Christmas, the thirtéenth of Ianuarie, the king then lieng in the extremities of death, the said earle was arreigned in the Guildhall of London, before the lord maior, the lord chancellor, and diuerse other lords and iudges being there in commission. Where if he had tempered his answers with such modestie as he shewed token of a right perfect and readie wit, his praise had béene the grea|ter. Some things he flatlie denied, seeking to wea|ken the credit of his accusers by certeine circum|stances: other he excused with interpretations of his meaning, to proue the same to be far otherwise than was alleged against him.