[1] Sir Thomas thus dispatched, with great spéed ar|riued [page 976] at Bullogne immediatlie vpon the opening of the gates at after noone. His letters and message deliuered, the lord Greie streight assembled the coun|cell, shewed them the kings letters, which read, he caused sir Thomas to pronounce before them the message also. Euerie man was to saie his aduise: it went roundlie through the boord without anie que|stion, that the letter was to be followed, the message not to be staied on. The lord Greie hauing heard, and not replieng anie thing, willed sir Thomas to be cal|led in againe, bad him repeat his message, and ther|whilest made a clearke of the councell to write the same Verbatim. This doone, he praied the whole table to set their hands vnto it, which they did, and the lord Greie taking the same into his hands, without fur|ther opening, declaring his resolution, brake vp councell, commanded streight the gates to be shut, gaue priuie warning, that certeine bands with ar|mour and weapon, and likewise pioners should that night by an houre be in a readines.