[1] The king vpon the intelligence, asked his coun|cels aduise, which onelie went wholie, that the condi|tions of the peace were not in anie wise to be infrin|ged. This resolued, secretarie Paget then knight, and afterwards lord, was commanded accordinglie to draw a letter to the lord Greie, the which [...]he king himselfe did signe, willing that the messenger should further know of his pleasure before he departed. Wherevpon sir Thomas Palmer, hauing his dis|patch at the secretaries hands, did get word to be giuen to the king, who presentlie sent for him into his priuie chamber, and betwixt them two, vsed these words: Palmer, you haue there a letter from vs to the lord Greie,King Henries message to the lord Greie by sir Thomas Palmer. that he doo in no wise deale in the matter that he hath by you aduertised vs of. Not|withstanding, I will that you deliuer him this mes|sage from vs.