[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] On Bartholomew daie the king admitting him to his presence, welcomed him, and in great triumph went to the chappell, where the king receiued his oth to performe the articles of the league,The admerall of France re|ceiueth an oth. as it was co|uenanted. To speake of the bankettings, huntings and such like honorable sorts of interteinements, it were much to vtter, and hard to beléeue. But on fri|daie following,His gifts that he had of the king & others. being the seuen and twentith of Au|gust, he being rewarded with a cupboord of plate, to the value of twelue hundred pounds, returned to London, and on the sundaie next insuing tooke his gallies and departed. Beside the kings gifts, he had giuen to him by the citie of London two flaggons guilt, and two other that were parcell guilt, valued at one hundred thirtie six pounds, beside wine, wax, and torches. There were diuerse of his companie also that went not awaie vnrewarded, hauing both plate, and also manie horsses, and greihounds giuen them.