[1] [2] The one and twentith of Maie the French armie came and incamped beyond Bullongne at the church on the hill: and the morrow after the earle of Hert|ford marched with his power to a place within two miles of them, and certeine footmen and horssemen went foorth and skirmished with them; and in the meane time the artillerie ceassed not to shoot off, as well from the French campe and fortresse as from Bullongne and the Old man. This daie were slaine fouretéene Frenchmen and two taken prisoners; and thrée of the English part were likewise taken, and so the earle of Hertford returned to his campe, and left the lancequenets vpon the hill, incamped before the enemies faces, not two miles distant from them, in which place a fort was begun to be raised, which was after called the fort of Bullongne Berg. The next daie,A great skir|mish. to wit, the thrée and twentith of Maie the soldiors of Bullongne and the lancequenets skirmi|shed with the Frenchmen, slue and tooke of them se|uen score and aboue of the which there were fortie that were in cotes of veluet, and diuerse also with chaines.