[1] [2] [page 971] The three and twentith of Nouember, a parlement began at Westminster, [...] parlement. [...] s [...]bsidie [...]. in the which was granted to the king a subsidie of the spiritualtie of six shillings the pound, to be paid in two yeares next insuing: and of the temporaltie two shillings and eight pence of the pound in goods, and foure shillings of the pound in lands, to be paid likewise within two yeares. Also in this parlement all colleges, chanteries, and hospi|tals were committed to the king, to order, by alte|ring or transposing the same as to him should séeme expedient, which at the prorogation of the same parle|ment he promised should be doone to the glorie of God, and the common profit of the realme. The foure and tw [...]ntith of December, the said parlement was proroged, on which daie the king comming into the house, to giue his roiall assent vnto such acts as were passed, the speaker made vnto him an eloquent oration, to the which although the custome hath euer beene that the lord chancellor should make answer, it pleased the king at that present to make the answer himselfe, which he vttered as here ensueth.