[1] There were with monsieur de Biez at this enter|prise the lord of Brissac,Martin de Bellaie. who gouerned the vaunt|gard, and had with him his owne companie of men of armes, and the light horssemen of whome he had the generall conduct. There was also the companie of men at armes that belonged to the constable of France, led by the lord Guich, & fiftie men of armes vnder the gouernance of the lord of Helleie, the companie also of the lord of Boisie, the companie of the lord Escars, and that of the lord de la Roch du Maine, & others. There was also monsieur de Taies generall of the French footmen, and manie yoong princes and lords of high estate, as monsieur Fran|cis de Bourbon, duc Danglien, Francis de Lor|raine, duke Daumalle latelie recouered of his hurt, the duke of Neuers, and the earle de Lauall that in this voiage was hurt with an harquebush shot in the arme.