[1] [2] There were manie of these skirmishes, wherin the Englishmen bare themselues so valiantlie, that the Frenchmen went awaie oftentimes with losse of manie of their noble men and best souldiers. At one time they lost the lord Menaintuille brother to the lord de Tillebonne, being slaine with stroke of lance and pike. At another time they lost likewise a yoong lord of Picardie called le seigneur de Fretoie. At length, after their new fort or basti [...]lion was brought in some strength, they furnished it in most defensible wise with men, munition and vittels, na|ming it Monpleastre. Herewith monsieur de Biez departing from mount Lambert with part of the ar|mie, came downe towards Calis,Monsieur de Biez forra [...]eth the English pale about Calis. and entring into the English pale beside Grauelin, wan certeine bul|works, and incountring diuerse new bands of Lei|cestershiremen and others, latelie before sent ouer, distressed them, and after burnt certeine villages, forraied the countrie almost to Marke, and after|wards in great hast with their bootie and pillage they turned. This enterprise was exploited by the French men about S. Matthews daie in September.