[1] In this meane while monsieur de Biez, being in|camped néere to Bullogne with such a puissant ar|mie (as before you haue heard) busied about the buil|ding of a fort, there was not such diligence vsed ther|in, as was promised on his part in accomplishing the same, to the French kings great displeasure (as some write) who had meant with that armie (if this fort had béene finished at the appointed time) to haue gone to besiege the towne and castell of Guisnes: but now the time being prolonged, and not without some suspicion least monsieur de Biez cared not how long the warres indured in that sort, so as he might command ouer so manie princes and great lords as were there vnder his gouernance, at length before the fort were fullie finished, he remooued to mount Lambert with the more part of the armie, preten|ding as though he meant to fight with the English|men, the which (as he said) he vnderstood were purpo|sed to come with a conuoie of vittels from Calis to Bullogne.