[1] [2] The king perceiuing the great Armada of the Frenchmen to approch, caused the beacons to be fi|red, and by letters sent into Hamptonshire, Sum|mersetshire, Wiltshire, and into diuerse other coun|tries adioining, gaue knowledge to such as were ap|pointed to be readie for that purpose, to come with all spéed to incounter the enimies. Wherevpon they repaired to his presence in great numbers well fur|nished with armor, weapon, vittels, and all other things necessarie, so that the Ile was garnished, and all the frontiers alongest the coasts fortified with ex|céeding great multitudes of men. The French cap|teins hauing knowledge by certeine fishermen, whom they tooke, that the king was present, & so huge a power readie to resist them, they disanchored and drew along the coast of Sussex, and a small number of them landed againe in Sussex, of whome few re|turned to their ships: for diuerse gentlemen of the countrie, as sir Nicholas Pelham, and others, with such power as was raised, vpon the sudden, tooke them vp by the waie and quickelie distressed them.