[1] [2] The twentith of Iulie, the whole nauie of the Eng|lishmen made out,The Marie Rose drowned by negligence. & purposed to set on the French|men, but in setting forward, thorough too much fol|lie, one of the kings ships called the Marie Rose was drowned in the middest of the hauen, by reason that she was ouerladen with ordinance, and had the ports left open, which were verie low, and the great artillerie vnbreeched; so that when the ship should turne, the water entered, and suddenlie she suncke. In hir was sir George Carew knight and foure hundred soldiours vnder his guiding. There escaped not past fortie persons of all the whole number. On the morrow after about two thousand of the French|men landed in the Ile of Wight,Frenchmen distressed in the Ile of Wight. where one of their chiefe capteins named le cheualier Daux, a Prouen|cois was slaine with manie other, and the residue with losse and shame driuen backe againe to their gallies.