[1] [2] This yeare on saint Georges daie sir Thomas Wriothestleie lord chancellor of England was made knight of the garter. Anno Reg. [...] Rich. [...] Also Trinitie terme was ad|iourned by reason of the warres, but the escheker and the court of the tenths were open, for those that were accomptable in either of the said courts.Anne Aske [...] and others ar|reigned and acquited. The thir|teenth of Iune Robert Luken seruant to sir Hum|frie Browne one of the iustices of the kings Bench, Anne Askew gentlewoman, otherwise called Anne Kime, wife to one Kime, a gentleman of Lincolne|shire, and Ione Sautereie, wife to Iohn Sautereie of London, were arreigned in the Guildhall of Lon|don, for speaking against the sacrament of the altar (as they tearmed it) contrarie to the statute of the six articles: but because no witnesse appeared against the women, nor against Luken, one onelie excepted, who was thought to accuse him rather of malice, than otherwise, they were by twelue honest substan|tiall men of the citie (sworne to passe vpon their in|dictments) cléerelie acquited and discharged.