[1] [2] The discomfi|ture gotten by the Scots at Halidon rig.In the beginning of March sir Rafe Euers lord warden of the marches after manie fortunate rodes and forraies made into Scotland, assembled now a|bout foure thousand men, & entering with the same into Scotland, was incountered at Halidon rig by the earle of Arraine and other Scotishmen, which so beset the Englishmen with thrée battels on ech side, that in the end they slue the said lord warden, with the lord Ogle,The valiant sir Rafe E|uers slaine. and a great number of other gentle|men and commons, beside prisoners, which they tooke, so that few escaped the Scotishmens hands. Among other prisoners taken,Read, alder|man of Lon|don prisoner. Richard Read an alderman of London aforesaid was one. The death of sir Rafe Euers was greatlie bemoned: for he had shewed great proofe of his valiant prowesse at sundrie times before; namelie in this yeare past, as at the taking and burning of the towne of I [...]dworth, which enter|prise was atchiued the tenth of Iune, beside diuerse other exploits fortunatelie brought to passe by his high valiancie and manhood, till his hap was at this present to finish his daies: whose life though then it tooke end, yet shall not his fame & good report (purcha|sed by martiall courage, policie, and dangerous ad|uentures) perish or decaie; as the poet trulie saith:

Parta labore volat vas [...]um bona fama per orbem,
Haec veluti Phoebus non m [...]ritura manet.