[1] Monsieur de Biez being in the fore ward,The valiant order of mon|sieur de Biez. brought backe the strongest and best armed men he had to re|sist his enimes, ranging them in order so, as he ment to haue inclosed the English horssemen betwixt his battels and the sea, and so to haue distressed them. But this purpose being espied first of all by the lord admerall,The lord ad|merall his re|die cõceiuing the meaning of the enimies the Englishmen by his valiant incou|ragement gaue a new charge, and breaking through their ranks by force, came backe againe vnto their hundred men of armes that kept aloofe, and there staied till their footmen might come to them, who by this time were aduanced within sight of them, but distant yet by the space of two English miles, or little lesse.