[1] [2] Moreouer, somewhat towards the latter end of this siege, the earle of Surreie son vnto the duke of Norffolke and marshall of his field, accompanied with the lord warden of the cinque ports, and diuerse other valiant capteins English & Burgonions mar|ched forth into the countrie towards Abuile, where they tooke and burnt a proper towne called saint Re|quiers:Saint Re|quiers burnt by the Eng|lishmen. Rieu sacked and after comming to another towne cal|led Rieu, they found no bodie at home but women and children, for the men were departed out of it be|fore their comming thither. When they had taken their pleasure in sacking all such goods as they found there fit to be carried awaie, they spared the towne from fire, and so departed. And thus after they had béene two daies and two nights abroad in the coun|trie, they returned home to the campe with a great bootie of beasts, sheepe, and other things which they had got in that voiage.