[1] The number of the men of warre that were strong and able to serue,The number of them that went fort [...] [...] Bullongne. were of horssemen sixtie se|uen, of footmen fiftéene hundred, thréescore and three, of the which number eight hundred were harquebut|ters, of hurt men fourescore and seuen, of women & children ninetéene hundred and twentie seuen, beside a great number of aged & sicke persons, not able to depart with the others. The last person that came foorth was monsieur de Ueruine himselfe, who vpon [page 965] his approch to the place where the king stood, alighted from his horsse, and came to the king, and after hée had talked with him a space, the king tooke him by the hand, and he reuerentlie kneeling vpon his knées, kissed his hand, and afterward mounted vpon his horsse, and so departed, following his companie.