[1] [2] For during the continuance of the armie at Lith, the ships laie not idle, but scowring the riuer, burnt diuerse places, and left neither ship, craier, nor bote belonging to anie village, towne, créeke, or hauen, vpon either side of the foord, betwéene Sterling, and the mouth of the riuer, vnburned, or brought awaie,Sée more heereof in Scotland. which space conteineth fiftie miles in length. About the same time the earle of Lenox fled out of Scot|land into the rebne of England, where he was right gladlie receiued by king Henrie, and shortlie he ob|teined in marriage the ladie Marie Dowglas, néece to the king of England, and returned soone after in|to Scotland by sea, accompanied with a good compe|tent crue of English. But finding no such friend|ship among his countrie men as he looked to haue doone, he was constreined to returne, without atchi|uing the enterprise which he had taken in hand, in hope of such assistance by his friends, as now failed him at néed.