[1] [2] [3] The names of the chiefe townes, castels, and pla|ces burned in this voiage,Townes burnt in the same voiage. were these: the burow and towne of Edenburgh, with the abbeie called ho|lie Rood house, and the kings palace adioining to the same. The towne of Lith burnt, and the hauen and pire destroied, the castle and village of Cragmiller, the abbeie of Newbottle, part of Muskelburow towne, with the chappell of our ladie of Lauret, Pre|ston towne and the castell, Seton castell, Hading|ton towne, with the friers and nunrie, a castell of O|liuer Sinclers, the towne of Dunbar, Lanreston with the grange, Drilaw, Wester crag, Enderligh, the pile, and the towne, Broughton, Thester fields, Crawnend, Dudi [...]ton, Stan house, the Ficket, Be|uerton, Tranent, Shenston, Markle, Trapren, Kirk|land hill, Hatherwike, Belton, east Barnes, Bow|land, Butterden, Quickewood, Blackeburne, Ran|ton, Bildie and the Tower, Kinkorne, saint Mi|nees, the quéenes ferrie, part of Petin Waines, and the burnt Iland, were burned by the fleet on the sea.