[1] [2] [3] The English armie incamped that night at a place called Seaton, seuen miles from Lith, where they burnt the castell, and destroied the orchards and gardens with the more despite, for that the lord Sea|ton owner of the place,The lord Seaton. was the chiefe laborer to helpe the lord cardinall out of prison. The same daie was Haddington burnt,Haddington burnt. with a great nunrie and house of friers there. The next night they incamped beside Dunbar, where they had an alarum giuen them, but in the morning they burnt the towne of Dunbar,Dunbar burnt. and marched foorth, though somewhat staid by the waie, by reason of the mist and fog, which was verie thicke, continuing all the forenoone, and bicause also they vnderstood how the lords of Seton & Hume with the lard of Bouclough, and others, had assem|bled a power of men of warre, and were minded to impeach their passage at a streict named the Pease.