[1] Wherevpon charge was giuen to the said pro|uost and officer at armes, vpon their perill to de|part. And foorthwith the lord lieutenant sent to the voward, commanding that they should march to|ward the towne, which right hardilie they did, and the English gunners manfullie assailed the gates; namelie sir Christopher Morice master of the ordi|nance,Sir Christo|pher Morice. insomuch that the Scots were beaten from their ordinance, and the gate called Canogate bea|ten open with shot of the great artillerie, and there|with the Englishmen entering the same gate by fine force,Edenburgh entered by force. beat downe & slue a great number of Scots, and continuallie without staieng was the great ordi|nance drawne vp the stréet to the castell gates: but those that were within the castell shot so freelie at the Englishmen thus approching with their great artil|lerie, that diuerse were slaine, the artillerie of the ca|stell beat so directlie alongest the high stréet, as the Englishmen came vp the same. At length also one of the Englishmens culuerings was striken, and dismounted, and therevpon they were forced to re|tire backe and giue ouer their enterprise of making batterie to the castell, wanting pioners, baskets, and other things necessarie for such a purpose.