[1] When all things were in a readinesse for the na|uie which was rigged to set forward towards Scot|land, and that the soldiers were come which were ap|pointed to go with sir Iohn Dudleie lord Lisle,The lord ad|merall Dud|leie setteth foorth from London to|wards Scot|land. and high admerall of England in that voiage, they were imbarked, and so the two and twentith of March the said lord admerall, with sir Nicholas Pointz, and di|uerse other knights and capteins departed from the port of London towards the north parts; and com|ming to Newcastell, found the erle of Hertford rea|die with such power as was appointed to be there at a daie assigned, forth of those countries that lie from Trent northwards. And now wanted nothing to fur|ther their iournie, but a conuenient wind; which cau|sed them to staie certeine daies at the said towne of Newcastell, and in the villages thereabouts.