[1] [2] [3] Beside this, at sundrie times the Englishmen in|uading the countrie of Bullognois, wasted the townes and villages, brought awaie great booties of goods and cattell, to the great impouerishing of the countrie. They burnt at one time the towne of Au|dinghen, and tooke the stéeple of the church there, into the which were fled six score pezzants with their wiues and children, whome the Englishmen threw downe headlong out of the steeple, bicause they had most stubbornelie refused to yéeld. In this yeare a great death of the pestilence reigned in London,A great death in London. and therefore Michaelmasse terme was adiourned to S. Albons, and there kept till the end thereof. The eightéenth of December the archbishop of Cantur|buries palace at Canturburie was burnt, I. Stow, pag. 1 [...]27. and ther|in was burnt his brother in law, and other men.