[1] At one time the Frenchmen, to the number of eight hundred, comming in the night season to enter into the English pale by the turne pike at Hammes, in purpose to make some spoile in the countrie there, were assailed vpon the sudden by sir George Sum|merset, and sir William Walgraue, latelie before come ouer with two hundred men out of Suffolke, to strengthen the English pale against the enimies, and at this time did behaue themselues so valiantlie, that they disappointed the enimies of their purpose. For whereas they were entered into a lane inclosed with hedges on either side, sixtéene archers getting into the grounds on the backe side of the hedges li|eng alongst the lane, through which the Frenchmen were marching, placed themselues as they saw their aduantage, and so bestowed their shot, that they gal|led the Frenchmen in such wise, that they were for|ced to recule in so great disorder, that other of the Englishmen comming vpon them, easilie slue and tooke of them no small number.