[1] [2] This was after Alhalowentide, so that now by reason the winter was farre entred, and the weather waxing extreame foule, and contrarie to an armie that should lie in the fields, the emperour brake vp [page 961] his campe and licenced the most part of his people to depart home into their countries,The emperor breaketh vp his campe. for all hope to win Landerseie at that time was cleane cut off, sith it was vittelled and newlie furnished with fresh men and munition. After that the warres were once o|pen betwixt England and France, sundrie enter|prises were attempted by the parties on either side in the marches of Calis and Bullognois, in which, for the most part, the Englishmen got the vpper hand of their enimies.