[1] The armie that was sent ouer vnder the leading of sir Iohn Wallop, passed foorth from the marches of Calis, and keeping alongst betwixt the borders of the French and Burgonion pales and confines, and ioining with the emperors forces, Spaniards, Wallons, and Dutch, came at length before Lander|seie, a towne latelie fortified by the French,Landerseie besieged. within the borders of the emperors dominions, to the which they laid a strong siege. At length the emperour ha|uing dispatched his wars against the duke of Cleue, who had submitted himselfe vnto him, came now to the siege of Landerseie, with a mightie power of sun|drie nations, so that the towne was sore constreined and in danger to haue béene lost, if at that present the French king had not likewise with an huge ar|mie of Frenchmen, Switzers, Lantsquenets,The French king commeth to the rescue of Landerseie. Itali|ans, and others, come to the rescue, pitching downe his campe, making countenance as if he ment pre|sentlie to giue battell: and verelie it was thought that two such powers as were there at that time so néere togither, should neuer haue departed without battell. The emperor thinking suerlie to fight, raised his siege, and drew his people into the field. The Frenchmen thereby espieng their aduantage, put as well fresh men as vittels, and all kind of muniti|on necessarie into the towne, and in the meane while kept the emperours people occupied with hot skir|mishes.