[1] In the parlement holden this yeare at Westmin|ster, a subsidie was granted to the king, to be paied in thrée yeares. Euerie Englishman being woorth in goods twentie shillings & vpward to fiue pounds, paied foure pence of euerie pound. From fiue pounds to ten pounds, eight pence. From ten pounds to twentie pounds, sixtéene pence. From twentie pounds and vpward, of euerie pound two shillings. Strangers as well denizens as other, be|ing inhabitants, doubled this summe: and euerie stranger not bring an inhabitant, that was sixteene yéeres of age and vpwards, paid foure pence for eue|rie poll. And for lands, fées, and annuities, euerie one borne within the kings dominions,Corporations, fraternities, & cõmunalties paid more as well of their lands as goods as appeareth by the statute. paid eight pence of the pound, from twentie shillings to fiue pounds. And from fiue pounds to ten pounds, sixtéene pence. From ten pounds to twentie pounds, two shillings. And from twentie pounds and vpwards, thrée shil|lings; strangers still doubling this summe. The cleargie granted a subsidie of six shillings the pound, to be paied of their benefices in perpetuities in three yeares insuing: and euerie priest hauing no perpe|tuitie, but an annuall stipend, paid yearelie (du|ring the said thrée yeares) six shillings and eight pence.