[1] Wood was sold verie deare in the winter season of this yeare,A dearth. and likewise vittels both flesh and fish grew to an high price towards the spring, by reason (as was thought) of the vntemperate wet summer last past, causing great death among cattell. A quar|ter of mutton was sold for two shillings, or seuen grotes, a lambe at thrée shillings, or thrée and foure pence, which afore that time was esteemed scarse woorth sixteene pence. Against Easter at a court of aldermen kept in the Guildhall the twentith of March 1542 it was enacted by the lord maior and his brethren,A necessarie & wholsome ordinance for moderati|on in diet. that the maior and shiriffs should be serued at their tables but with one course at dinner and supper in their houses; the maior to haue but seuen di|shes at the most at one messe for his owne table, and the shiriffs and euerie other alderman but six dishes, vpon paine to forfeit for euerie dish fortie shillings at euerie time when they offended in this ordinance. Also that the sargeants and yeomen of their houses should haue but thrée dishes at dinner or supper, the swordbearers messe onlie excepted, which should be allowed to haue one dish more. It was also enacted, that from the feast of Easter then next insuing, nei|ther the maior nor his brethren should buie anie crane, swan, or bustard, vpon paine to forfeit for eue|rie foule by them so bought, twentie shillings, the of|fense to be tried by oth, if it should be presented. Anno. Reg. 35. A league be|twixt the king of England and the empe|rour.