[1] The duke then after he had receiued the hostages, permitted them to depart, and so they returned into Scotland, where they were gladlie welcomed by their kinsmen and friends. With them went also the earle of Angus, who had béene banished Scotland,The munif [...]|cense of king Henrie to the earle of Angus. and hauing remained here in England a long time, receiued of the kings fée, a thousand marks by yeare; and likewise his brother sir George Dowglas, who had fiue hundred markes yearelie likewise of the kings gift. They were now both restored home into their countrie, and that (as was said) by the kings last will. The said earle of Angus, and diuerse of the lords that had beene prisoners here in England, were made of the priuie councell of the realme by the earle of Arraine, that was chosen gouernour to the yoong quéene, and of the realme, as next heire appa|rent: notwithstanding that the archbishop of saint Andrews, and cardinall of the sée of Rome, enimie mortall vnto the king of England for the popes cause (and partlie set on by the French king) had for|ged a will,Archbishop of S. Andrew deadlie enimie to K. Henrie. expressing how the king had made him gouernour (associat with two earles of his affinitie) as well of the queene as realme, contrarie to the lawes of Scotland. Wherevpon the said earle of Ar|raine, according to his right (as he pretended) with the helpe of his friends,The earle of Arraine. tooke vpon him the au|thoritie of gouernor, and put the said cardinall in pri|son, and deliuered sir Robert Bowes, and the other English prisoners, by their bonds,Sir Robert Bowes de|liuered. according to the custome of the marches.