[1] [2] [3] The Scots depart into their owne countrie.The thirtith of December they departed from the court, and the morrow after, eight of them dined with sir Iohn Cotes then lord maior of London, and the rest with the shiriffes, and had verie great [...]heare. On Newyeares daie they departed from London homewards towards Scotland, and rode to Enfield to sée the prince, and there dined that day, greatlie reioising, as by their words and counte|nance it séemed, to behold so proper and towardlie an impe. From thence they kept on their iournie till they came to the north parts, where they found the duke of Suffolke the kings lieutenant there, and with him remained till such pledges were come forth of Scotland, as it was couenanted they should leaue behind them.