[1] The earle of Cassils was appointed to be with the archbishop of Canturburie, the earle of Glencarne with the duke of Norffolke, the lord Fleming with the lord priuie seale, the lord Maxwell with sir Antho|nie Browne, the lord Sumerwell with the lord chan|cellor, the lord Oliphant with sir Thomas Lée, Oli|uer Sincler with the duke of Suffolke, Robert Erskin with the bishop of Westminster, the lord Mont [...]th with sir Antonie Wingfield, the lord Mon|t [...]th with sir Rafe Sadler, George Hume with the earle of Hertford, the lord of Gragie with sir Tho|mas Cheincie, the lard of Gredon with maister Gos [...]wike, Henrie Maxwell with sir Richard Long, Thomas Cra [...]ford with sir Arthur Darcie, Patrike Hebborne with sir Thomas Wriothesleie, Iames Pringell with sir Richard Rich, Iohn Matland with sir Edward North, the lord Greie, Iames Sincler, and Iohn Lisleie, were appointed to men of such cre|dit, as were thought méet to answer for their safe keeping.