[1] When the whole power was assembled, the duke of Norffolke then lieutenant generall,The English armie entreth into Scot|land. accompani|ed with the earles of Shrewsburie, Derbie, Cumber|land, Surreie, Hertford, Angus, Rotland, and the lords of the north parts, and sir Anthonie Browne master of the horsses, sir Iohn Gage controllor of the kings house, and others, hauing with them twentie thousand men well and warlike appointed, entred Scotland the one and twentith of October, and tar|ried there eight daies, without hauing anie battell offered vnto them, in which space they burnt these townes and villages, Paxton, Ramrige, Stine, Gradin, Shilles, lang Ednem, Newton, Skitshell, Newthorne, Smellem spittle, the two Merdens, Sledericke, and the two Brorlawes, Floris, and the Faire croft, Ednem spittle, Roxborough, Kelscie and the abbeie, long Spronstow, Riden, and Haden|ston. For they had determined with fire and sword to take vtter reuenge, crieng out, as the poet saith;

Vindice ferro opus esse, opus esse & vindice flamma,
Acclamant omines.