[1] After those six daies was sent a commission out of Scotland, to conclude a méeting preciselie, at such a place as they knew well could not in the winter season be obserued nor kept. Wherewith when the English commissioners séemed nothing content, the Scotish commissioners shewed forth instructions, wherein libertie was giuen to them to excéed their commission in the appointing of a place, & to consent to anie other by the English commissioners thought méet and conuenient. But when the English com|missioners refused to deale with men wanting suffi|cient commission to warrant their dooings, the Sco|tish [page 958] commissioners required other six daies respit, to send for a larger commission, which being granted, at the end of those six daies, they brought forth a commission made in good forme, and without excep|tion or restraint of place: but therewith they shewed instructions conteining a like restraint, as in the former commission was expressed. And thus driuing forth the matter by trifting, vpon purpose onelie to win time, they hoped thereby through the winter comming on, that the English armie should not be able much to annoie their countrie for that yeare. And so their talke brake vp without anie conclusion of agréement at all; and forthwith was the armie set forward, a good part whereof had lien all this time of the treatie in Yorke, and in the countries therea|bouts.