[1] Then was Iames Leirmouch master of the Sco|tish kings houshold sent into England with letters deuised in the best maner,Iames Leir|mouth. offering a good redresse of all attempts: and yet neuerthelesse at the entrie of the said Leirmouth into England, a great number of Scots then not looked for, made a rode into Eng|land, to the great annoiance of the English borders, which dealing, though it much mooued the king of England to take displeasure against the Scots, yet he gaue gentle audience to Leirmouth at his com|ming vnto him, and by his faire words and promises was partlie pacified. But in the meane time, the déeds of the Scotish borderers were as extreame as might be. And in a rode made by sir Robert Bowes for reuenge thereof, the same sir Robert, and manie other with him, were taken prisoners, and could not be deliuered, nor admitted to paie their fine and ran|some, as hath beene euer accustomed betwixt them on the borders.