[1] After their departure, the lord Maxwell warden of the west marches in Scotland, made proclamati|on in deed for good rule to be kept: but neuerthelesse added therwith, that the borderers of Scotland shuld withdraw their goods from the borders of England, and incontinentlie after the Scotish borderers, on the fourth of Iulie entered into England suddenlie, & spoiled the kings subiects, contrarie to the league, and euen after the plaine maner of warre. Where|vpon the king of England greatlie maruelling, was driuen to furnish his borders with a garrison for defense of the same, as mistrusting a further mis|chiefe intended by the enimie, whose treacherie & loose dealing became a whetstone to the kings wrath, and set him in a heat of indignation, as the poet saith:

Iam Scotus Henrici iustam irritauerat iram