[1] Herevpon commissioners were sent from either king, the which met and talked. But where the Eng|lishmen chalenged a peece of ground, vndoubtedlie vsurped by the Scots, being for the same shewed such euidence as more substantiall,The wilfull obstinatnesse of the Scotish cõmissioners. or more autentike can not be brought forth for anie ground within the realme; the same was neuerthelesse by the Scots denied and reiected, onelie for that it was made (as they alleged) by Englishmen, and yet was it so an|cient, as it could not be counterfeited now, and the value of the ground so little, and of so small weight, as no man would attempt to falsifie a writing for such a matter. But yet this deniall notwithstanding, the English commissioners departed from the Sco|tish commissioners as fréends, taking order, as hath béene accustomed, for good rule vpon the borders in the meane time to be obserued.