[1] Whervpon sir Edw. Montacute lord chiefe iustice,Sir Edward Montacute lord chiefe iustice. verie grauelie told his opinion, cõfirming by diuers reasons all that the king had said, which was assen|ted vnto by all the residue, none speaking to the con|trarie. The act in déed passed not the higher house, for the lords had not time to consider of it, by reason of the dissolution of the parlement, the feast of Easter then approching. Bicause this case hath beene diuer|slie reported, and is commonlie alleged as a presi|dent for the priuilege of the parlement; I haue ende|uored my selfe to learne the truth thereof, and so set [page 957] it forth with the whole circumstance at large accor|ding to their instructions, who ought best both to know and remember it.