[1] And touching the partie,The king counted it presumption to arrest the burgesse. it was a great presump|tion in him, knowing our seruant to be one of this house, and being warned thereof before, would ne|uerthelesse prosecute this matter out of time, and therevpon was well worthie to haue lost his debt (which I would not wish) and therefore doo commend your equitie, that hauing lost the same by law, haue restored him to the same against him who was his debter. And if it be well considered, what a charge hath it béene to vs and you all, not onelie in expense of our substance, but also in losse of time, which should haue béene imploied about the affaires of our realme, to fit here welnigh one whole fortnight a|bout this one priuat case, he may thinke himselfe better vsed than his desert. And this may be a good example to other to learne good maners, & not to at|tempt anie thing against the priuilege of this court, but to take their time better. This is mine opinion, and if I erre, I must referre my selfe to the iudge|ment of our iustices here present, and other learned in our lawes.