[1] For I vnderstand (quoth he) that you not onelie for your owne persons, but also for your necessarie seruants, euen to your cookes and horssekéepers, in|ioie the said priuilege; in somuch as my lord chancel|lor here present hath informed vs, that he being spea|ker of the parlement, the cooke of the Temple was arrested in London, and in execution vpon a statute of the staple. And for somuch as the said cooke, du|ring all the parlement, serued the speaker in that of|fice, he was taken out of execution, by the priuilege of the parlement. And further we be informed by our iudges, that we at no time stand so highlie in our estate roiall, as in the time of parlement, wherein we as head, and you as members, are conioined and knit togither into one bodie politike, so as whatsoe|uer offense or iniurie (during that time) is offered to the meanest member of the house, is to be iudged as doone against our person, and the whole court of par|lement. Which prerogatiue of the court is so great (as our learned councell informeth vs) as all acts and processes comming out of anie other inferiour courts must for the time cease and giue place to the highest.