[1] And for somuch as she said Ferrers being in exe|cution vpon a condemnation of debt, and set at large by priuilege of parlement, was not by law to be brought againe into execution, and so the partie with|out remedie for his debt, as well against him as his principall debter; after long debate of the same by the space of nine or ten daies togither, at last they resolued vpon an act of parlement to be made, and to reuiue the execution of the said debt against the said Welden which was principall debter, and to dis|charge the said Ferrers.An act passeth for George Ferrers. But before this came to passe, the common house was diuided vpon the que|stion: howbeit in conclusion, the act passed for the said Ferrers, woone by fourtéene voices.