[1] Which commandement being doone by the said sargeant accordinglie, on the morrow the two shi|riffes, with one of the clearks of the counter (which was the chiefe occasion of the said affraie) togither with the said White, appeered in the common house, where the speaker charging them with their con|tempt and misdemeanor aforesaid, they were com|pelled to make immediat answer, without being ad|mitted to anie counsell. Albeit, sir Roger Cholmelcie, then recorder of London, and other of the councell of the citie there present, offered to speake in the cause, which were all put to silence, and none suffered to speake, but the parties themselues: wherevpon in conclusion,The shiriffes committed to the Tower. the said shiriffes and the same White, were committed to the Tower of London, and the said clearke (which was the occasion of the affraie) to a place there called litle ease, and the officer of Lon|don which did the arrest, called Tailor, with foure o|ther officers to Newgate, where they remained from the eight & twentith vntill the thirtith of March, and then they were deliuered, not without humble sute made by the maior of London & other their fréends.