[1] And yet the lord chancellor offered there to grant a writ, which they of the common house refused, being in a cléere opinion, that all commandements and o|ther acts of procéeding from the nether house, were to be doone and executed by their sargeant without writ, onelie by shew of his mace, which was his war|rant. But before the sargeants returne into Lon|don, the shiriffes hauing intelligence how heinouslie the matter was taken,The shiriffes deliuer the burgesse and are charged to appéere be|fore the spea|ker. became somwhat more mild, so as vpon the said second demand, they deliuered the prisoner without anie deniall. But the sargeant hauing then further in commandement from those of the nether house, charged the said shiriffes to ap|peere personallie on the morrow, by eight of the clocke before the speaker in the nether house, and to bring thither the clearks of the counter, and such officers as were parties to the said affraie, and in like manner to take into his custodie the said White, which wittinglie procured the said arest, in contempt of the priuilege of the parlement.