[1] In the Lent season,George Fer|rers a burges of the parle|ment arrested, and what mis|chiefe insued. whilest the parlement yet con|tinued, one George Ferrers gentleman, seruant to the king, being elected a burgesse for the towne of Plimmouth in the countie of Deuonshire, in going to the parlement house, was arrested in London by a processe out of the Kings bench, at the sute of one White, for the sum of two hundred markes or there|abouts, wherein he was late afore condemned, as a suertie for the debt of one Weldon of Salisburie: which arrest being signified to sir Thomas Moile knight, then speaker of the parlement, and to the knights and burgesses there, order was taken, that the sargeant of the parlement, called S. Iohn, should foorthwith repaire to the counter in Bredstréet (whi|ther the said Ferrers was caried) and there demand deliuerie of the prisoner.