[1] [2] [3] The sixtéenth of Ianuarie the parlement began at Westminster,A parlement. in the which the lords and commons exhibited certeine petitions to the king. First, that he would not vex himselfe with the quéenes offense, and that she and the ladie Rochford might be attain|ted by parlement:The petitiõs of the lords & commons of the parlement i [...] the king. and to auoid protracting of time, they besought him to giue his roiall assent thereto, vnder his great seale, without staieng for the end of the parlement. Also, that Diram and Culpeper be|fore attainted by the common law, might also be at|tainted by parlement, & that Agnes duches of Norf|folke, and Katharine countesse of Bridgewater hir daughter, which for concealing the said offense, were committed to the towre, and indicted of misprision, & the lord William Howard arreigned of the same, might likewise be attainted. Also, that who soeuer had spoken or doone anie thing in detestation of hir naughtie life, should be pardoned.