[1] [2] The same daie that he suffered, there was execu|ted at saint Thomas Waterings thrée gentlemen, Iohn Mantell, Iohn Frowds, and george Roidon: they died for a murther committed in Sussex (as their indictement imported) in companie of Thomas Fines lord Dacres of the south.The true re|port of the cause where|vpon the mur|ther of Iohn Busbrig in|sued. The truth whereof was thus. The said lord Dacres, through the lewd persuasion of some of them, as hath béene reported, meaning to hunt in the parke of Nicholas Pelham esquire at Laughton, in the same countie of Sussex, being accompanied with the said Mantell, Frowds, and Roidon, Iohn Cheinie and Thomas Isleie gen|tlemen, Richard Middleton and Iohn Goldwell yeo|men, passed from his house of Hurstmonseux, the last of Aprill in the night season, toward the same parke, where they intended so to hunt; and comming vnto a place called Pikehaie in the parish of Hil|lingleie, they found one Iohn Busbrig, Iames Bus|brig, and Richard Sumner standing togither; and as it fell out through quarelling, there insued a fraie betwixt the said lord Dacres and his companie on the one partie, and the said Iohn and Iames Bus|brig and Richard Sumner on the other: insomuch that the said Iohn Busbrig receiued such hurt, that he died thereof the second of Maie next insuing.