[1] This noble man as he was come of high linage, so was he a right valiant and hardie personage, ha|uing in his time doone his prince and countrie good seruice, both in Ireland, France, and other pla|ces, [page 954] greatlie to his commendation, although now his hap was thus to loose his head, as conuicted by law, and his renowme (ouercast with a cloud of dis|grace) vanished, as future chances befell, to the abo|lishing of the present honor which sometime he in|ioied. Howbeit, his estimation he might haue pre|serued vnblemished, had prouident circumspecti|on vndertaken the direction of his dooings, and that he had borne his eies in his forehead, to foresee all af|terclaps, which a wise man will in no case neglect:

Nam sapiens in fronte oculos habet, omnia spectans,
Omnia prudenti cum ratione videns.