[1] [2] On the two and twentith of September, Rafe Egerton, seruant to the lord Audleie, lord chancel|lor, and one Thomas Harman seruant to one master Flightwood, were drawne, hanged, and quartered, the one for counterfeiting and antidating of the kings seale in a sign [...]t, wherewith he sealed licen|ces for deuizens, vnder the name of the clearkes of the chancerie: and the other, that is to saie Harman, for writing them. One Tuckefield, being of their faction, robbed the lord Audleies chappell and fled, who being afterward apprehended at Calis, which towne he would haue betraied, he slue himselfe with a dagger. In the end of this yeare, the French king made a strong castell at Ard,A Castell built [...] Ard. and also a bridge ouer into the English pale, which bridge the crew of Calis did beat downe, and the Frenchmen built it vp a|gaine, but the Englshmen beat it downe againe. After this, the K. sent about fiftéene hundred worke|men to fortifie the towne of Guisnes,Guisnes fortified. and sent with them fiue hundred men of warre to gard them.