[1] The eight of August was the ladie Katharine Howard néece to the duke of Norffolke, and daugh|ter [page 953] to the lord Edmund Howard shewed openlie as quéene at Hampton court.P [...]lots cause [...] mur| [...]rs. The eleuenth of Sep|tember a stranger was hanged in Moorefield, na|med Iames Rinatian, who had slaine his maister, one Capon a Florentine in a garden, for his harlot. In the latter end of this summer, was vniuersallie through the most parts of this realme great death by a strange kind of hot agues and fluxes, [...] death and [...] [...]ought. I. [...]. and some pestilence, in which season was such a drought, that wels and small riuers were cleane dried vp, so that much cattell died for lacke of water, and the Thames was so shalow, & the fresh water of so small strength that the salt water flowed aboue London bridge, till the raine had increased the fresh waters.