[1] The fourth of August,Thomas Empson [...] obstinate moonke. Thomas Empson some|time a moonke of Westminster, which had béene in prison for treason in Newgate now for the space of thrée yeares and more, came before the iustices of gaole deliuerie at Newgate, and for that he would not aske the kings pardon, nor be sworne to be true to him, his moonks garment was plucked from his backe, and he repriued, till the king were informed of his malicious obstinacie: and this was the last moonke that was séene in his clothing in England till queene Maries daies. The fourth of August were drawne from the Tower of London to Tiburne,Execution [...] treason. Giles Heron gentleman, Clement Philpot gentle|man, late of Calis, and seruant to the lord Lisle, Darbie Genning, Edmund Brindholme priest, chapleine to the said lord Lisle, William Horne late a laie brother of the Charterhouse of London, and an other offendor: which six persons were there han|ged and quartered, and had béene atteinted of trea|son by parlement. The same daie also was one Charles Carew gentleman hanged for robbing of the ladie Carew.